Sad, lonely & depressed..

It has nearly been a year since I’ve graduated from university and I will admit it has been the hardest year of my life. I have never struggled with feeling so sad, lonely and depressed before and it has been a constant feeling that hasn’t really gone away.

Looking back the year has gone pretty quick but it has felt like an eternity. I have been scratching my head looking for things to occupy my time with and have found no motivation to do anything. I have found it hard to find work that fits in with the obligations I already have a the minuscule interests I do have at the moment but even those things I once enjoyed doing such as going to the gym have become painful chores.

My only current goal is to do camp America in June where I will be working in America for 3 months however the thought of it is terrifying as I will be travelling 8 hours across the world by myself to a place where I will know no one, so even my one goal is not even keeping me going.

I’m in a complete state of loneliness as the only person I see regularly other than my family is my boyfriend as all my friends are away at university or live in another country, so doing things with people is not really achievable either.

On top of this I have the worry of what will I do with my life when I come home. I have no full time job to return to and will obviously need to get one but what I want to do with the rest of my life is something I have never known.

My millennial life crisis.

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